Tuesday, November 1, 2016

FC&MCC Pep Boys show 10-29-2016

Saturday the 29th began chilly but clear….the weatherguessers had forecasted a nice sunny day!  And….it looked like we were on track to prove them right!  The last show of the year for Pep Boys in Fredericksburg, VA kicked off as the Fredericksburg Classic & Muscle Car Club began to set up their kit.  We would have DJ Chip making music, Wes’s hot dogs on the grille, Pep Boys trophies and the Poodle Skirt ladies extorting money for the 50/50….it would be a fun day with the 1950’s themed event.  We had some dressed up with “Pink Ladies” jackets and bobby socks and black/white saddle shoes! 

There were about 70 vehicles that visited from stock/original cars to race cars on the street, a very diverse mix.  Kandy was in her “Bumble Bee” transformer costume and interacting with the kids like she always does….But later in the day, I noticed she must have been bored as she was swinging on a signpost….like a pole dancer and dancing with Rick!  Bill E. and a strange woman approached us, all dressed up like they just came from a sock hop, we wondered where Jo Ann was?  We soon realized the woman was Jo Ann….we didn’t recognize her as a “Pink Lady”….  Mike and his Anglia parked next to us and when the Virginia Stockers came rolling in they filled out the rest of the line in our part of the lot.  Stuart brought his factory race 2016 Mustang GT 350 and Warren was showing off the new injection on his blue Nova.  April & Ret decorated their little white car and wondered around the event dressed for Halloween, taking pictures.  The two Princesses (Arlene & Linda) were dominating the local conversation with the help of Annie….no human could get a word in their discussion till they quit talking….and they never did!  Be sure to check the pictures….
The event broke up after the awards were handed out, around 3:30….it was a totally enjoyable day spent with friends….I love this hobby….

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