Since the Princess isn’t herding her big yellow school bus around this summer we decided to leave a little early for VA BBQ on Friday afternoon, we were the first ones there! The Princess and I had gone to the Dr. on Thursday to have an upper respiratory thingy treated and we were both on antibiotics and not feeling to chipper…. The instructions for the meds said we should stay out of the sun….yeah right…but it did give us a chance to try out my new multi angle, multi metal, industrial strength cosmic steam powered umbrella….they worked just fine keeping the Princess and me in the shade.
The intense heat was going to keep the sane people home but the crazy people started trickling in. The

green ’39 Chevy coupe got a big block over the winter and it sounded very menacing. A lot of new to us cars spent the evening at VA BBQ. The red ’54 Chevy convertible, the blue ’67 Chevy PU, the orange Chevelle race car that came in on a trailer and the green ’49 Plymouth 2dr. And the newest was Andrew’s blue ’10 Camaro with the paper tag! I see why there are more new Camaros than Challengers or Mustangs….I’m glad the manufactures are competing for the “performance” people’s dollars again, it will raise the bar on what is considered a performance vehicle for the masses. We left about 9PM and had a cool cruise back home.
Saturday we met at the WAWA and cruised to Burger King in Manassas, VA a little early to get better spots (that’s code for making sure we got a parking place in the limited shade, because of the heat). Bill came with us driving his very nice orange ’70 Chevy PU. We set up around 3PM and there were about 10 cars already present! A

nd it was hot! The attendance when we left at 5:30 was ok for such a hot day, many Mopars from the Mopar show up the road were lining up and taking whole rows of parking space….a neat deal. One of the Mopars was Fred and his red/white ’57 Dodge, who went with us to Bruster’s later. An old friend came in with his red C-6 Vette, there is something to be said for not driving a temperamental hot rod….sometimes new is better! A blue & white 789 parked and I got to take a closer look at this one. It’s kinda cool, made on a Vette C-6 chassis and all….it’s not my cup of tea but it sure is an attention getter. Steve and Sally came in around 4:30 and after a little schmoozing 5 cars left for Bruster’s in Stafford. We had a nice lunch/dinner at Sam’s Pizza then mingled with the people at Bruster’s before cruising home, I was too sick to walk around and take pictures.
Sunday we met Dan & Ramona at WAWA and headed north to Occoquan, VA and the Prince William Cruisers Good Ol’ Days car show. The Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) representative, Ray Phillips, was not available that day and he asked us to fill in for him. WWP is our favorite charity so the answer was swift and affirmative. The meds I was taking for my sickness were not working and I was hacking up things I could put a saddle on and ride home….so I was not relishing sitting in heat that was forcasted to be in high 90’s all day. Oh well, ya do what ya gotta do. We set up our camp to focus on WWP and waited to share with anyone who asked about WWP.
The show was down on participants but still had over 170 registered cars, which was not bad considering that the temps were oppressive. The PW Cruisers always manage a great show. One of the things they do is start the judging as soon as you are set up and ready. This means that when registration is over the judging will be done shortly after that because they have been judging for 4 hours already. This allowed them to let us out a little earlier which was very welcome because of the heat. The food was much better this year and the band was like last year….great! Did I mention that it was hot? We collected $100 from $1 & $5 donations and one $50! The Prince William Cruisers donated $600 to WWP too so it was a very good day for WWP

. During the award presentations the Princess found out that one of the award winners was a recipient of WWP’s assistance. He came over to her and thanked her for the work we do to raise awareness for WWP. He said that he was wounded and was having complications with transportation until WWP stepped in and helped. That was a great thing for us to talk to someone like him, it made the heat of the day not seem so important.
I was getting sicker by the minute and could not muster the strength to walk around and take individual pictures of all the cars….so I decided to shoot a movie of most of the cars leaving since there was only two ways to access the event. I have a posted the video on YouTube at; I have new meds now and they seem to be making me better even though I have lost Monday and Tuesday?
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