Monday, November 29, 2010

It was cold....and very cool....

The Princess & I met with Ron & Jean, Jim & Linda, Fred & Debie and Bill B. at the WAWA in Stafford, VA and that made up our five car convoy heading to Warrenton, VA. And so began our second annual Over the River and Through the Woods Run. Dan & I hatched this idea in the summer of ‘09 and we had so many questions about the one we did last November that we decided to do it again! We left WAWA at 7:30 and picked up Dan & Ramona then Ken & Carmen along the way so when we arrived at the Liberty gas station in Warrenton, VA we had 7 cars to add to the 17 cars that would find their way there. Some of the people at the Liberty gas station were Lou & Arlene, Steve & Sally, Dave H., Wyatt R., Ted & Donna, Mike & Shirley, Tommy & Sheila, Terry B., Tommy C., Charlie B. and others. We departed at precisely 9AM and cruised on Rt. 17 to the Mother Road (Rt. 66) then to Rt. 55 and into Front Royal, VA. When we ran into Rt. 340 we stopped at the 7-11 and picked up more cars, Jack & Joyce, Roy & Fran and others. Then there were 28 crazy cars motoring along on Rt. 340 the rest of the way to Luray, VA and the Car and Carriage Caravan Museum. I don’t know if you have ever participated in a run with a lot of cars traveling on public roads but it is a rush. The Princess and I like to travel by ourselves or in a small groups but the large groups of special cars have a certain personality that is fun too. I was leading the herd so we cruised at or a little under the speed limit….so we wouldn’t have to keep looking over our shoulder and so we would be a good example of how to enjoy this hobby. We wouldn’t want people to think that car people were rowdy or out of control or anything….

When we arrived at the Museum parking lot I fell into my normal state of confusion about where to park….but once again the Princess picked out a primo spot along the parking lot perimeter fence where most of the 28 cars could park and not worry about door damage. A few of the cars had to park in the “normal” lot near us but used the end of the rows to lessen their exposure to damage.

We had arranged to have the entry fee to the Car and Carriage Museum waived for those that traveled with us but some found the shopping more to their taste. Shopping shopping is what they call it….looks like gathering stuff for eBay to me! Although there were some nice carved wooden cars in the gift shop….and a neat red-white and blue wooden airplane. And did I mention they make cookies and fudge….it’s so nice to be able to enjoy consuming one of the seven major food groups….my dietitian will be happy! We stayed at the Museum till 12:30 then cruised to Sonny’s Place for lunch.

Sonny’s has been a must visit restaurant when we are in the area and we were not disappointed Saturday. Their portions are large so I constrained myself from getting an appetizer and salad and entrée and dessert and bucket of ice tea and and and. Just a nicely done brisket platter and water please….just enough so I had to ask for a little box for the leftovers….to be enjoyed another time. I’m told that men rarely ask for a doggy bag as compared to women who always do….but….men are more likely to use it later while women usually let them turn into science projects in the refrigerator, to be thrown out eventually….when the tentacles from the mystery goo reach out for the other food nearby. Hehehehe

After lunch most of us took separate routes home but 9 of us cruised to Culpeper, VA where we gave up two cars that headed south then near Bealeton we lost Steve & Sally going east but the remaining 6 of us wound around on the lesser traveled roads back to Stafford and home. It was so cold in my car that my right leg started to charley horse and get very painful so I was stretching it out on the passenger side to relive the pain….while pushing the throttle with my left foot….this made for some very interesting clutch/brake/throttle contortions but it was the only way I could stop the pain. I think I’ll get a 12V temporary heater next time we go a long way when it’s cold.

It was a great day for driving around the Virginia countryside and most of us came home with the same amount of parts we left with so what’s not to like about that? We have a Toys for Tots run scheduled for December 11, 2010 and that will end our scheduled adventures for the year. I will be taking the coupes apart to make improvements as well as perform normal maintenance so we can be ready for next season. I may chronicle the things I do to the cars during the winter….maybe not….we’ll see.

Be sure to visit here for many more pictures of the adventure;

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