The Princess drove and I rode with her in her coupe to the Q....(VA BBQ) on Friday evening. It was very windy and cool but about 30 or so cars came out anyway. I didn't take any pictures but most of the cars were the usual suspects, it will start to fill up next week. When we left we cruised over to Central Park to see where the Stangs & Fangs were hanging out. We found them at the Circuit City parking lot and they had about 10 cars lined time I want to take some pictures.
We descended on North Stafford High School early on Saturday, April 4, 2009, to be part of the annual show there. Since I cannot drive the RedRat yet, the Princess drove her coupe to the show and I followed her in my truck. I took her back home and she took the RedRat to the show with me following in my truck again, she did real well with the Rat, only squeaking the tires a few times! We set up with Dan & Ramona, Les & Peggy, Lou and Chuck & Margret. It was very cool in the morning till the sun got up around 9AM.. .. But the wind blew a lot all day, no time for canopies!
Susan and her Skills USA team always runs a class show and this year

was no exception. From the classy invitations to the first class trophies, this show is one of the best planned and executed shows around. And it is fast becoming known for the most unique and sought after trophies at any show; the trophies themselves make it a must attend show. Be sure to check out the photos on the webshots site.
There were cars from Prince William Cruisers, Stangs & Fangs, Stafford Classics, Culpepper Cruisers, Stafford

County Sherriff and a few other clubs and organizations that chose to support this show. It is usually the first big show of the season around here and if the weather allows it is well attended. There were over 170 cars in attendance Saturday and many that were new to us. Sue drove her red go girl! We reestablished some friendships from last year and made some new friends.. .. That’s what the car shows/cruises should do!
The award ceremony was begun with the presentation of the Colors by the Air Force JROTC and singing the National Anthem…That was special! Stafford Classics won the car club attendance award and many in the club won Top 30 plaques. The Princess didn’t win anything but like she always says (when she loses) it’s not about winning or losing it’s about the social interaction and esoteric bonding that takes place in an atmosphere of likeminded sojourners that always trumps materialistic bling blings… I think she is not being honest with me…
We left the show and drove to Chili’s to meet with Jim & Linda for a late lunch. Then off to the A1 Speed Shop & The Late Night Cruisers cruise and the Valve Cover races.

We set our racers with the ones already there and we decided to make the first race the one we have been waiting for.. .. Me and Dave----Mano A Mano---- A retired, gimpy, fixed income, half bald, can’t see or hear well old geezer against the young, in shape, hairy owner of a speed shop with a master valve cover mechanic as a partner and owner of the only valve cover racetrack around! Six months of pent up anxiety.. .. just waiting to explode! The testosterone was choking us, so without any test and tune runs, eliminations or any other distractions we raced. The Rebel Ford against the Chicken Express. I was soundly spanked by the red/white and blue Ford.. .. This is becoming monotonous.. .. Maybe old age and treachery will win next month.. .. Come and see.. .. I now have a month to try to win some respect for old people.. .. Any help? And the Princesses racer kept going to the left.. ..back to the frame shop!
The Princess was getting cold, Wah Wah Wah and my ankle was swelling a little so we called it a day. The cruise at A1 had about 30 cars in attendance and should get better as the season unfolds.
Next week is the Inaugural Country Road Rally.. .. Be part of this historic event.. .. Don’t miss it!
As always great start, 170 cars wow. Nice job on the photos! Thanks for the write up of the day for all of us that could not make it. Great info of all the days activities. Looking forward too next weekend, im off :) and praying for great weather just like this weekend.
Nice Stuff!
Commendable Blog indeed!
Great Going!
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