We started out the weekend with the cruise to VA BVQ in Fredericksburg and had to go in the back way through Ferry Farm because I95 & Rt.1 were backed up from an accident but with the summer here I guess every Friday night will be bad when traveling I95 & Rt.1! So we have to begin to use the less traveled roads to get around. We arrived late and “our” parking places were taken, if ya snooze ya loose and we were snoozing in traffic. grin So we took Wild Man’s places since he wasn’t there.. .. bad choice. While dusting off the cars the next day we had tree sap spots all over the cars from the trees where Wild Man and his friends usually park.. ..Hey Wild Man, you can have your parking spots back next week.. hehehehe
About half of the cars were new to us or majorly redone during the winter. Roger’s truck was painted over th

e winter and he had completed more motor work on it too, it’s a real nice ’72 Chevy PU you have to check it out. The Sunbeam Tiger was very nice and it reminded me of a customer I had in the 60’s that had one. I hated to work on the engine, no room.. ..look at the picture.. ..imagine changing spark plugs.. ..hmmmmmm And check out the black/flamed pro-street Jeep.. .. Yeah a Jeep, it sounded baaad and I bet it is a real handful herding it down the road!? Then the ’32 high boy roadster, the guy talked like it was his daily driver? It looked to nice to be a daily driver but whatever floats your boat. I’m glad Sue is still driving her red Plymouth, girls rule! Did you catch JV driving his bucket in? He looks the part; you need to check him out next time he is driving! John also made his fixed top a folding top, it did not originally fold up.. ..It was either up or off, now he can fold it up, neat job JV.
Saturday morning we met Andrew & Jose’, Fred & Debie and Dan at Bob Evans and after breakfast Fred & Debie led us to the Belmont Distillery and the Field of Wheels show. Since Fred led I was able to be the vulture in back and took some in route pictures. Please remember that the pictures are not that good because I have to take them one handed while driving the RedRat..

..no excuses just the reality of why they are not as crisp as they could be, just enjoy the trip. hehehe The show was nice, it was on grass and a little uneven and muddy in places but grass is always better than asphalt or concrete. Unless you’re the Princess.. ..Andrew helped her back up into her parking place and when she got out.. ..I think they have cows running loose on the grass during the week! She had to clean her shoes and the car floor mat.. ..she just whines too much! There was about 85 cars and 20 motorcycles, not bad for a first show. There were many nice cars but the dark blue 33 Ford 2 dr sedan was very nice, I love those body styles. The blue ’37 Chevy PU was back, we missed it most of last year. There were 8 or so 30’s antiques, originals from Richmond I think. They traveled together like a parade.. ..what a sight. Most of the old pickups are Chevy’s but most of the new pickups are Ford’s or Dodges? I wonder what that means? It was the first hot show of the year, and it was hot. The pollen was thick and I gave up on keeping my car pollen free but the Princess kept cleaning off her car.... The Princess also brought some "healthier" food for us, she is trying to make me live longer which is a good thing, I think. So we had cauliflower, broccoli, fresh fruit, sandwiches made on healthy nut bread, you get the picture....I was really glad Dale's wife and Andrew & Jose' helped make some of the rabbit food disappear! Promptly at 2:15 the awards were given out and Lou and Dan won trophies but the rest of us had to go home empty handed, the Princess is bleating.. ..! She wants to know where the guy that got the three trophies by mistake lives, so she can go get hers that he got by mistake? grin I need to send her for lessons on how to lose graciously, like a Princess!
The people in the gift shop and the man who led the distillery tour was helpful and informative, the Princess said she learned a lot about making whiskey? She bought some samples, she said we have to try it and see if we need more? The event has a long gravel access road but the Distillery had it graded right before the event and was running a water truck on it before we got there.. ..so if you go real slowly it was ok. I think I can get away with just a few hours underneath cleaning the dust off .. ..except where the Princess ran over some cow droppings, yuck.. ..
We left the show and traveled to the Arby’s in Culpeper for the Culpeper Cruisers bi-monthly cruise. We arrived at 3:30 which was real early.. ..the event was going to begin about 5:30 or so. We met Tom who came early too and we all just sat under the shade trees and talked.. ..no pressure, no stress, just chillin out and talking! About 5pm or so the cars and club members started arriving. They set up music and a free ice tea stand (which was very good, thank you very much!) and more cars came in or drove by.

A gorgeous lime green ’73 Roadrunner drove through but didn’t stay. The Princess was continuing to make me eat healthier when we are on the road so out came the veggies? So I was real glad that Debie, Andrew and Jose' helped her eat all the rabbit food she had left so I didn't have to endure it. When I took the overall pictures it was too early, the lot filled up, I mean really filled up later in the afternoon! Cars were parked in the spaces and in the drive lanes, something different. About 6PM the Princess and I had a salad for dinner (more health food) and one of the Culpeper Cruisers told us to be sure and tell Arby’s that we get the Cruiser discount! That was cool! The Princess won two door prizes (one for her car and one for mine) so she was happy....it doesn't really matter what she wins just as long as she wins something! The door prizes were great....things that we will actually use and not throw away when we get home!
As with all cruises they each have a unique “personality” of their own, and this one was no different. The Culpeper Cruisers went out of their way to make us feel ‘at home’ and they accomplished it! They exhibit stereotypical southern hospitality.. ..they were genuinely happy we were there! When we had to leave because my foot was giving me trouble they called their 50/50 early so we could still have a chance.. ..which was a good thing because Andrew won it! They also had to move a lot of cars so we could get out and they still waved and thanked us for coming to their cruise. They have their cruise every second and fourth Saturday of the month if you want to see some different cars and meet some nice people just cruise on out to Arby’s in Culpeper.. ..they are ready for you!
We had a good time with good friends driving cars around giving people something to wave at.. ..it’s like living a dream! And Fred & Debie led almost all day which gave me a rest from leading all the time! The Princess is whining that all her hard work last week of cleaning the cars was wasted because they are now covered with pollen, bugs, dust and cow droppings! Once a Princess always a Princess.. ..As always please check out the Chucks Photos and Dans Photos link to enjoy the events a little more. And you may want to see Mike's blog on the same show...
1 comment:
Great wright up of a awesome day. Never get tired of seeing pictures of old and moderen cars!
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