Saturday we all gathered at WAWA and headed to the Masaponax Cracker Barrel for breakfast. After the obligatory lard load up we left for the North Anna Power Plant’s annual show at Louisa school. The proceeds for this event help the power plant’s charity, Habitat for Humanity.. ..a very worthwhile endeavor! We have been trying to make this show for a few years but weather kept us away a couple times and other commitments did us in twice too.. ..so this year we were determined to attend the event no matter if it rained or not! The rain was forecasted all day but we didn’t get any rain all day. In fact it was windy and sunny, how wrong do you have to be as a weather guesser before you get fired? Inquiring minds want to know. I’m unemployed (happily) and those guys/gals get to keep their jobs.. ..what’s up with that?
The venue is a school parking lot so it has plenty of room, we got to choose where we wanted to park which was nice.. ..the Queen & Princess told me I should have parked up the hill a little farther so we could have been near a tree.. ..silly me.. ..that’s why they are the Royalty and I’m the minion! The lot is on a hill but I don’t think there was a ‘bad’ parking place in the lot. The Princess also brought more “healthy” food.. ..do you know you can hide those little carrots inside the tubing of the fold up chairs? And that ants are attracted to squished grapes! ..Don’t ask me how I know.. The restrooms were permanent and well cleaned although the Princess had to use her trusty maglite when the time controlled lights went out, you have to ask her. The onsite food was typical and good. There were a couple vendors but not much else to do except look at the cars and meet new old friends!
The Shriners brought their Beverly Hillbillies car and wheeled it around the event all day, what a hoot.. ..you have to
check out the pictures and a short movie clip I shot. Of the 60 or so cars in the event we had seen only three at other shows. Please check the pictures to see variety of the cars/trucks at the show and see why the Princess is so ornery, check out the “curl in the middle of her forehead” and remember that old nursery rhyme.. ..hehehehe Our youngest daughter and her youngest daughter has “the curl” too! The first vehicle that caught my attention was the black/green ’31 Ford Pick Up. That is the nicest ’31 Ford I have seen and Jim the owner w
ill talk about it as long as you want to listen.. ..you have to check it out. The yellow S-10 custom was very trick as was the black Chevy PU rat rod. The brown & teal Chevy delivery was very different and the mural on the side was special. The blue ’32 Chevy sedan very nice and Ernie’s silver Charger was as neat as I remember it. DJ Ron cranked out the tunes and kept things rolling along.. ..like he always does. Someone had the Princess arrested for having a pink sign in front of her car but before she got put in jail the Queen bailed her out, the Princess says she has friends in high places.. .. grin The show ran like a watch showing what so many years putting on this show will do for planning and executing.. ..then it promptly ended at 2:30 when the awards were given out. I like the shows ending early, around 2 pm.. If the judging is done by then the show should end. Most people get all their
socializing done in 5 hours so leaving around 2 is usually welcome, something to think about. Ernie won a top 25 and best Mopar, Dan & Ramona won a top 25 and best GM.. .. .. ..the Princess won an event T-shirt! The orange & white Z28 Camaro won a top 25 and Best of Show, it was a very nice Camaro. It was a nice show that deserves more participation from cars farther away from Louisa.. ..next year put this one on your calendar.

We followed DJ Ron to the cruise at the Orange BK but when I got out of my car I realized how much my ankle was messed up. I could hardly walk! I set up the car and we walked to the food place but I couldn’t get ahead of the pain. We decided to leave for home early so I could get some pain relief and maybe beat the rain that was coming. I only took a couple pictures at BK, of the two Broncos doing a dance!? We drove about 150 miles and had a great time at the North Anna show and the Orange BK is always a time to remember, I’m sorry we had to leave early. It started to rain about an hour after we got home! And the show at Kate Waller Barrett MS was rained out on Sunday.. ..
1 comment:
Hey Chuck,
I Love the pic of Linda in the window very cool. I love reading your blog. Just wish we could make to all the shows you go to. Michael had to ride the Harley most the day. He is a true hog. We did go to Brusters Sat. That was fun.
Take Care,
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