The Ebenezer Baptist Church in Woodbridge, VA has put on a show every year for seven years and we had a good time when we attended last year so we decided to go back this year. We met at Mike’s Diner in Stafford, VA for breakfast then cruised to the show in Woodbridge. We arrived right on time and was able to get the same parking place as last year and we set up camp and settled in for a day of looking at and talking about cars. The day was hot but not like last year and there was always a breeze which helped. The restrooms are inside the Church activity section. Some of the Church members were having a product sale going on inside and some of the stuff for sale was food.. ..To be precise-----COOKIES! Now most of our friends know how I feel about cookies, especially since they are one of the 7 major food groups. I like to be mindful of my daily consumption of cookies.. ..Just to stay healthy! Grin Anyway the Princess knows that Ron also likes to make sure he has his RDA of cookies too, so she bought all the oatmeal cookies they had for sale! I’m glad Ron doesn’t like spotted owl or something; I bet that would get real expensive! The Princess also bought me some cookies so I wouldn’t get anemic or anything. Hehehee
The Prince William Cruisers assists the members of the church with this show so they were there in force. Many of the people we had seen the night before, we got to see again! There was a very high percentage of Corvettes in mix of the 96 registered entrants. The blue one with much customizing is really cool and the red ‘60 was special to me. The rat rod tub that brought touch up paint looked like fun. There was a new Camaro, Challenger and Mustang.. ..Fun isn’t dead in Detroit yet! The LaFrance fire truck I saw the night before came in and I have a video of it on u-tube. The vehicle is amazing, the noisy engine has to be heard. The Fredericksburg Classic & Muscle Car Club was well represented as was Stafford Classics. DJ Ron was there with his orange roadster. It’s his “road car” since he can’t drive his Camaro on the street anymore! Something about low bridge clearance? Richard brought his beautiful ’60 Chevy out and the green ’55 of his friend was very cool too, I have never seen a ’55 painted that color. We also found a T-Bucket with more brass than JV has on his, looks like fun to take care of? Dan proved once
again that he needs further door prize selection training, The Princess and Ramona will work on that at the next show. And Dan was also reminded about the condition of his ’55.. ..something about a Speedo and seat belts? You have to ask him! About 3:00 the awards were given out; Ron, Dan and the Princess won a Top award. I have decided to not participate in award competition anymore. I will register to support the charity but I don’t want my car to be judged. I just want to enjoy the day and take my pictures and leave the competition for awards to others. The Princess, however, has made it quite clear that she expects something for rubbing on them cars all week (not) and for just showing up! I think she is getting a little crazy but hey, she is the Princess! And we only have four more months in the season to hear ME ME ME ME! We packed up and left for the Foster’s cruise in S. Stafford.

We arrived at Foster’s early and Dave was still setting up some of the deal but he had the cones out to sequester the parking lot. We parked and went inside to eat; it’s always good to eat at Foster’s.. ..and I can make sure I have my RDA of cookies too, grin After we ate we set up chairs to wait for more people to come in, there were already ten cars but more came as the night progressed. They were all the usual suspects and as we sat it started to rain! It rained for about ½ hour then the sun came out again! We needed to wipe down the cars anyway, at least that’
s what the Princess said. Paul shared some French Baguettes with us, they were verified French baguettes? I don’t know about all that but they smelled and tasted real good! We stayed till about 8PM but decided to leave early because of the long day we had. The fellowship is always good at Foster’s and the food seldom disappoints so if you are near I95 & Rt.17 the second Saturday of the month you need to stop in and say HI.. ..You will meet some nice people and see some cool cars too!

Sunday we met at the WAWA and waited for the thundering herds of people going with us to Sonny’s restaurant near Luray, VA. Jim & Linda and their beautiful blue Corvette came by so we left at 10:05. Then on our way out of Stafford we picked up Dan & Ramona as we passed their road on the west end of Stafford. We traveled to the Sheetz station in Opal to pick up Les & Peggy then on to Culpeper to meet Lou & Arlene. Lou called me to say his car just broke, he was waiting for AAA to take it home! I offered assistance but he said he was good so we continued on toward Sonny’s near Luray, VA. The Princess and I had eaten there during our 44th Anniversary retreat in May and found the service and food to be very good and we wanted to share the experience with our friends. It’s about 97 miles one way, up and over the mountains near Sperryville and Skyline Drive. We had made the trip many times on the Harley but had never taken the hot rods. Today was the day! The sky was cloudy but the weather guessers said no rain so off we went. So when we got near Culpeper it started to rain and we had to stop so Les could put up his top on his Olds, then after we traveled another 3 miles the rain quit and we stopped again for Les to put the top down this time! I’m glad I don’t have to make those kind of decisions, top up or top down or back up then down, I guess it’s the kind of thing you have to deal with when you have a topless car, hehehe I think the on again off again rain was to be a portent of things to come later in the day. We ran up over the mountain and near Luray we stopped at the Liberty station for fuel and potty break then on to Sonny’s. I didn’t know how busy they were so I called ahead and told them eight people and five hot rods were on the way. When we arrived they were set up for us, planning is everything!
The food and service at Sonny’s is as we remembered.. ..Perfect! The menu is diverse and the portions are more than ample. The potatoe beer soup was great as was the loaded nachos. If you are looking for little finger in the air yuppie food you might want to take a look at the salad. But if you are looking for enough man’s food to make you feel like a tick that has been hanging on someone for a week, then order the brisket platter with the potatoe beer soup.. ..Bon Appétit! Peggy needs to work with Les on his lack of appreciation of food presentation.. ..the little trees and green leaves are to make it look pretty Les.. ..I thought you had a little more culture than that since
you drive a car that doesn’t have a metal top!.. ..grin So with our bellies full we decided to start the return adventure to Stafford. But Peggy wanted to take some pictures of all our cars together in front of Sonny’s.. ..since Dan didn’t want to park with us earlier. She had to organize us so she could get “the picture” she wanted? HUH So she organized us like a pile up of crashing cars! I so don’t understand artsy fartsy photographers? With the picture taken we ventured back down the mountain. I took a 6 min video of the trip down the mountian, check it out on my u-tube 502SizeMatters. You can get an idea what it's like riding in the RedRat! Just remember I still have to drive with one hand so the camera shakes a little, hehe When we arrived in Sperryville, Les & Peggy peeled off on Rt. 211 and headed home a shorter way for them. On the way to Culpeper Dan decided we needed to go by Carl’s for ice cream so we pressed on through Culpeper and Rt. 3 towards Fredericksburg. We got to the place on Rt. 3 where it opens up to four lanes and it started to rain! It rained a little but the road spray was too much, the cars were turning into a mess! I decided to take the shorter way to Carl’s on River Rd. but
it was messed up with rain and spray too. Oh well that gives us retired people something to do during the week..hehehehe The rain quit and we were just dealing with puddles and run off when we arrived at Carl’s but I think the humidity changed to about 200% when we got out of the cars, I think it would be drier if it was raining. After as suitable amount of frozen milk fat was consumed we left for Stafford.

A fun filled day of 225 miles, running the roads in Virginia, giving people something to wave/honk/yell at while we just knowingly smiled and waved back.. ..I guess it's just me but I really don’t understand why people would rather stay home and mow their lawn? And now the anticipation of next weekend starts.. ..
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