Saturday we met Dan & Ramona, Ron and Andrew at Cracker Barrel in Central Park for breakfast then on to the Fredericksburg Classic & Muscle Car Club’s (FC&MCC) annual show.. ..This year it was be held at Chancellor Baptist Church in Fredericksburg, VA. This club always puts on a well run show with an emphasis on recognizing their club members efforts in the process. Some clubs recogniz
e special members at club meetings but this one does it in a public venue, at a car show! This year they recognized Pop (Harold Wilson) for his contributions to their club and the general car culture in the area. Pop attends most of the cruises and shows around here, you can check my pictures on webshots and his blue Baja Bug is in most of them, he’s everywhere!. He and his bride, Sue, work tirelessly making all feel welcome at their events and he is an important cog in the wheel of the machine that is FC&MCC. Congrats POP!

The show ended up with around 150 registered cars.. ..WOW! The cars ran the gamut of types from race cars to antiques to customs to road cars. The Stafford Classics club won the club participation with 42 members present! And the orange ’56 Merc deservedly won best of show. I think there were 9

We packed up our support equipment and a few of us headed to Orange, VA and the monthly cruise at the Burger King on Rt. 15. This cruise is always a surprise from the cars that come out, this time was no exception. Our group got separated in Orange and I was waiting in a parking lot for the group to catch up and I n
oticed all the trailers unloading their cars.. ..This was going to be a special cruise! Sure enough of the 150+ cars in attendance there were about 25 that don’t see many road miles.. ..Cam2, slick shod cars that might be street legal, rumbling around, intimidating all that dared look at them! There was a small group of Tuners with their Hondas & Toyotas. But the majority was hot rods & muscle cars.. ..A great mix of cars. I was too tired from the heat so I didn’t take pictures of all the cars. We left the cruise around 8PM and started the 50 mile trip home.

All went well till we got near home on Rt. 1.. ..There is a nice piece of road that is three lanes wide.. ..and straight.. ..and level.. ..and I was first in line at the red light.. ..and I was thinking about those race/street cars I saw at Orange.. ..and my ankle is well enough to try some faster shifting. The RedRat growled and went straight, the transmission shifted like a knife in hot butter.. ..it was like a dream.. ..until I saw the blue lights in my mirror! I always say to be very careful if you are going to act stupid at night because you can’t tell what kind of cars are behind the headlights! I broke my own rule and had a nice conversation with one of Stafford’s finest! I don’t know if he couldn’t believe that old car could go that fast or if it was my charming personality but after a mostly one sided conversation with him he gave me my license back and told me not to do that again! The Princess said that he knew I was an old fart without a job and didn’t have the money to pay a fine and they would have to keep me in jail and with the County budget shortfall it would be cheaper to just let me go! The Queen couldn’t believe they didn’t arrest me or shoot me in the knee or something! I think I will behave better especially when I’m near Stafford! We’ll see.. .. ..
1 comment:
Great time with friends and really nice weather. Nice write up of the day brother and no more red and blue lights in the next cruise :)
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