Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Normal night at the Q....

Friday night, June 5, at VA BBQ in Fredericksburg, VA….mostly the regular crowd but….  Bill & Debbie brought out Debbie’s little Nash Metropolitan for the first time!  Such a cool little car and I think it fits Debbie’s personality just right!  We also had a visit from an MGB powered by a small block Ford, which was done very nicely.  One of Stuart’s friends cruised in with his recently finished Jeep bush fire truck.  It was fitted with all the normal accoutrements you would expect on a bush Jeep that was in active service.  A little red “kit” car that was built to loosely resemble an MG four seater and had VW power, a sinister black early Dodge Charger, a Bernardi, two Studebakers and a handful of farm trucks rounded out the crew for the night.  As always it was a great cruise….you need to check it out when you are in Fredericksburg, VA on Friday night.


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